The house is located in the central part of the village of Burya which is 35 km away from the town of Veliko Turnovo and 4 km away from the main road. An asphalt - paved road leads to the property; there is electricity, water - main supply, land telephone line. There is a spring - water fountain by the house. The property total area is 1, 200 sq. m. which includes a semi - solid two - storey building on 60 sq. m. , a farm building on 24 sq. m. , a shed on 24 sq. m. , and a barn on 36 sq. m. The house has stone foundations and is built over with wooden trimmer joists. The outside plaster is in good condition, the flooring of the living area is wooden. Location of the rooms: on the first floor there is a detached cookhouse, a kitchen with a living room, cellar, a toilet and a bathroom; the second floor includes three bedrooms with a balcony and a closet. There are several fruit - trees in the yard, two walnut - trees, vines, a draw - well and a garage.